My Golden Week was really, really busy. On May 2 (Saturday) I hung out with my host sister for the day. We went to Rippongi Hills in Tokyo. It's a pretty cool place, but I hadn't been there before as it is most famous for the clubbing. And that's not really my thing. Besides, even if it was, I am underage. Anyway, she wanted to go to this flea market that was being set up by a radio station she listens to every morning. There were supposed to be some singers or someone famous there, but I guess they were coming later.
So we wandered around the flea market for a little bit, not wanting to buy anything. Then we decided to go to lunch. Rika suggested that we go to Hard Rock Cafe. That was really nice of her to treat me to that. I would never go there if I had to pay for it myself. Neither of us could decide what to eat so I ordered the pulled pork sandwich and she got the beef brisket, then we split half and half. It was so good! I don't get real American food like that too often here. And we both ate almost all of it!


Then we went up in the Sky Building. We just wanted to see the view from the top, but you had to buy a ticket to the art exhibit to go to the top. Dumb rule if you ask me. So, we ended up going to a stupid modern art exhibit. It was fun though. I just don't understand modern art. Luckily, Rika feels the same way as me so we just made fun of stuff as we went through.
The view from the top was really pretty. It was a nice, clear day so we could see a lot.

After that we managed to find enough room in our stomachs to eat crepes. I LOVE crepes. I wish they sold them like this in America... They have pretty much whatever you want inside and are wrapped into a cone shape so you eat them with your hands. They are so good! I am going to make them someday when I get home.
We finally got home at about 5. We were too full to eat dinner that night. But it was a really fun day. My host mom left that night with my host dad for a trip to Niigata prefecture.
The next day I got to go to church for the first time in almost a month. That was really nice. Since I am moving families and will go to a closer church soon it was probably the last time I will see some of these people.
After church I went to Kawasaki to meet my host sister. We had plans to go to the movies. We saw Goemon. It's a Japanese movie. I actually really enjoyed it, but I don't think it was actually supposed to be funny. My favorite thing about the movie is the fact that there are only like 5 people still alive at the end of it. Goemon 2 is pretty much impossible. No, for real, it was fun. I really liked seeing a Japanese movie. I was the only foreigner in the entire theatre.
After the movie we went to a Korean barbecue for dinner. Then we went and got crepes again! Two days in a row... that was bad. These crepes were also good, but not quite as good as the ones from the day before.
On Monday I went to Lena's (a girl from Russia) going away party. We all went to the beach in Hiratsuka. It was really fun. We played beach volleyball and didn't use sunscreen. I only got a little burned. I really should buy sunscreen, but it is so dang expensive! The cheapest I can find is like 8 dollars for a tiny 3 ounce bottle. I think I will have to buy some at some point though.
Rina, Lena, Abbey, Annie, Slyvana, and Katja

On the 5th my rotary club president, Mr. Inukai invited me, my host families, and a couple of my friends to go cruising with him on his boat. My host sister and I woke up early to meet him at KeiKyu Shin-Koyasu station at 8:30. I invited Iliana ad Felipe to go too because they don't have a lot of time left in Japan. My host parents were still on their trip, so they couldn't come.
Felipe, Iliana, Abbey, Rika, and Rotarians in the back.

From that station we walked into the most run-down part of the city I have ever seen. This sketchy-looking harbor was not quite what I expected for my rotary club's president. We all followed him until he met up with another man none of us knew and then got onto the boat. It was a pretty small boat. We put our life jackets on and set off.
Nice harbor, huh?

Iliana, Abbey, Felipe

I did get to drive it though! That was really fun. We went right down the middle of Tokyo Bay, past the Minatomirai area, and to the open ocean. It was really really cool to see the city from this new angel. And Iliana, Felipe, and I had a good time talking. I can't believe they are leaving so soon.
Well, it turns out that that boat was not President Inukai's boat. It was his friend's boat and we were just going by boat to the other, much nicer-looking harbor. At this harbor we met my first host family. I was pretty excited to see them again. Mr. Nakano and Toru came, but of turns out that Wataru had the chicken pox so he and Mie (my host mom) stayed home. On the boat there were a couple other rotarians too. This boat was pretty nice. It could probably fit 15 people pretty comfortably. They had sandwiches, chips, little pieces of steak, and onigiri for us there for lunch.

I think that the original itinerary had a destination, but Toru got sea sick so we ended up turning around and going back early. The day was still pretty fun, though.
We got back to the harbor by about 12:30 and from there Mr. Nakano drove us to the station. But first we got to stop by good old Radiant City to see Mie. Iliana wanted to say goodbye to her before she leaves Japan. So It was nice to see her again. Then Mr. Nakano drove us to Kanazawa Bunko station.
Wednesday, the 6th was my last day of break. I just took it easy, slept in, and relaxed. My host parents got back from their trip that morning so I talked to my host mom about that.
Golden week was really fun. And it's always nice to have a break from school.
Abbey is the best!
First, you are not underage in Japan because you look 25.
Second, we know what a finished plate at Hard Rock Cafe would look like. :) It's like American food.
Third, fun boat trip! Yay!
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