Today I had some private Japanese lessons. It was good, I guess. I am getting a little frustrated because it doesn't seem like I am picking much up at all! Then again, I have only been here for like two weeks. It feels like much longer than that.
My actual classes are all pretty boring. I try to fill my time reading the Japanese history book my history teacher gave me or studying my grammer book. School feels infinatley longer when you can't even understand the teacher.
So, this has been and will be my schedule for week days. I wake up at 5:45. In the morning. It doesn't really seem that early though, because they don't have daylight savings here so the sun comes up at like 5:15. I make myself toast for breakfast and my peanutbutter and jelly sandwich for lunch. I eat my breakfast, get on my school uniform, and brush my teeth and do my hair. I don't do my makeup because it isn't allowed at school.

I leave my house a 6:45 to catch the 6:50 bus outside. That bus takes me to the station, where I get on the express train to the Yokohama Station. At Yokohama, I switch to a different train line and get on the local train that takes me to Tsurumi Station. From there I get on another bus that takes me to a block away from the school. I walk to the school, change my shoes, and go to my classes. I ususally arrive at school at about 8:05. School starts at 8:15. Well that is when the morning prayers are anyway. It's pretty wierd doing the prayers. I don't know them anyway because they are in Japanese, but still.
I leave school at like 3:30 and by 4:30 or so I arrive home. At home I help with dinner or play with my little host brothers. I eat dinner, shower, and then get to bed around 9:00.
Oh, and did I tell you that I got my phone now? It's pretty exciting.