Iilana's rotarian, Kodama-san, invited Iliana, myself, and Ruan to go to Disneyland. It was very generous of her. I think she did it because Iliana is leaving so soon. I asked my club, and they granted me permission to skip school for the day. My host mom wrote a note to the school telling them that I had a "rotary function" to go to so I would be taking the day off.
Me and Mary Poppins! I had a really hard time speaking to her in English for some reason. I kept wanting to use Japanese and we all know Mary Poppins does not speak Japanese.

It was so fun. We met at Sakuragichou station at about 1 o'clock and Kodama-san drove us there in her car. We went on most of the good rides, saw the electric parade, and ate lots. The three of us shared a smoked turkey leg (it was huge), and we also had popcorn, frozen ice pops, pizza for dinner, and then a snacky sandwich before we left.
I believe this is Mickey's car. Iliana, Ruan, and me.

My favorite ride was Splash Mountain. I even bought the picture at the end of it. I know, I know, it's a rip off. But it was a good picture. Ruan is absolutely hilarious on the rides. He had our entire log (?) doing different things. I actually didn't like Space Mountain that much. It is so dark inside and all you can see are little lights that spin around like crazy as you race through. I got a little bit of motion sickness on that one. But the wait for it was fun.
The three of us on Big Thunder Mountain. You can tell the ride is pretty intense. I even pulled out my camera in the middle of it.

We ended up doing rock, paper, scissors in Japanese to decide who had to sit alone on the ride. Iliana lost and then refused to go alone. I ended up going alone anyway. (I'm such a good friend, huh?) Anyway, there was a group of Japanese girls behind us in the line and they thought our random Japanese comments thrown into an English conversation were pretty funny. We ended up talking to them a little bit. As we were about to get into our car (we decided to go as a group of 6, because there were three of us, and three Japanese girls), they say to me, "You are so beautiful. Like, really pretty..." in English and then Japanese and then English again. Japanese girls are so funny. haha. I was like, "aww, thanks!" Then at the end of the ride they all said thanks for riding with them.
Waiting for Big Thunder Mountain.

Oh, and Iliana and I also wore our Minnie Mouse headbands. I had to get some as soon as I got there because I regretted not getting them at Disney Sea before. It was a really fun day. I ended up getting home at about 10:30 after trying to figure out and then explain how to get to my house which is not very close to any train station and it is on a tiny street with no name. And Kodama-san could not understand me telling her to go on the big street that we went over when we crossed the bridge. Is my Japanese really that bad?! That was an adventure and Iliana and Ruan both got a good laugh out of my directional retardedness.
We got to meed Mickey! Ruan, Mickey, Iliana, Kodama-san, and me. Mickey even gave me a kiss!

Abbey is the best!
Well, you just tell Mickey to get his big 4-fingered paws off you.
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