I went shopping and got him a gift from the family. I guess it's not Japanese tradition to give gifts to the people getting married. They give gifts to the guests! And guests give cards with money. Oh, well. We are Americans so it's okay. This is what I got him.

This past week has also been pretty busy. I had school Monday and Tuesday and the rest of the week is vacation. Monday all the girls got their results for tests back. I just sat around all day, but it was okay. The periods were really short and we had time at the end of a lot of them to talk because the teacher had nothing better for the girls to do. The classes are over now, I'm not really sure why we even have to go to school. Tuesday we had some assembly that I didn't understand. It was run totally by the students. From what I understood is was about budgeting for the clubs. Or something with money. Then we had like an hour to clean out our lockers. I gave most of my textbooks to the school. They can find someone to give them to next year. I don't want them. In Japan you have to buy your own books, so you get to keep them. Rotary bought mine. Honestly, there were a few that I never even opened. They still had the rubber band around them...
Wednesday I went with my friends to play tennis! It was so fun. I hadn't played for 7 months, so it was nice. The place we went to was cheap, too. It was only like 5 dollars each. For the half hour we got to use the court. But we split into teams (by rock-paper-scissors) and played each other. I won every game I was in. :D They were all impressed by my serve. haha. I was actually pretty surprised with it myself. Usually it takes me a few practices to have a decent serve again.
Yesterday (Thursday), I went shopping with my host mom. Our goal was new shoes for the wedding. I have huge feet for Japan. I wear size 26. Almost every single store carried up to 25.0. It was rather dissappointing and frustrating to be honest. Luckily my host mom was very patient with me. We did end up finding a store that sold to size 26, but they weren't very cute and they were all like 150 dollars. That's too much for me, but my host mom was saying that she would get them as a present for me. No way am I letting anyone spend that much on shoes for me! Especially if I don't absolutely love them. Well, I didn't get new shoes. But I know a website that has really cheap shoes in large sizes for Japan so I am going to order some. Maybe a new bag, too... there are some really cute and inexpesive ones on that site.
We did end up going to UniQlo (I love this store!). I found some tops that were on sale. I needed a new white top for a couple skirts that I have. I haven't been able to wear them because I forgot to bring a shirt that matched them. Good one, Abbey. And I found a new sweater zip-up that has long sleeves! Yay! So the day wasn't a total waste. I was going to buy my new thing myself, but my host mom wouldn't let me. She is so generous.
Today my host mom had me try on my dress (it still fits! phew!) for tomorrow. And she is letting me borrow some accessories from my host sister and herself. Yay! I love getting dressed up. Even if I don't have new shoes.
I am so sorry that I am being so boring with my posts lately. I have no fun pictures, again! But I don't have time today. I'm leaving for the airport soon. I promise that I will put up pictures when I blog about the wedding.
Oh, one last thing to tell you about. My friend Risako asked me if I wanted to go to Disneyland with her on Monday. :D It's a little expensive, but I want to go once before I leave, so I will go with her. I'm excited for that too now! It's going to be a very busy couple of days coming up. Hopefully I won't be too tired after my trip to Fukuoka because I get back Sunday night.
Abbey is the best!
Those teacups are beautiful! Wow! Did you know that they come in sets of 5 because to give 4 (shi) also means death (shi)? Yup.
Sounds like you're having fun. I hope you have a blast in Fukuoka. Akira's family is wonderful.
I had an awesome time. His family really is wonderful. I was sad to go. :(
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