Yeah, I think that was a gutter ball...

The Friday before last (March 20th) I got the surprising news that my friends were coming to Tokyo! Hanley and Yuzuha were coming to Tokyo with their Rotary District! I had met Hanley back in America and we ended up flying over on the same flight. He is in the same district at Yuzuha, who was inbound in my Rotary District last year. Their district people said it was okay for me to meet up with them. It was so fun to see them again! We went to Akihabara (famous for technology and anime) and then went to a museum on the Edo period of Japan. They are from way northern Japan, so I didn't think I had any chance of seeing them this year. Yay for facebook and knowing what all your friends are doing!
Yuzuha, me, and Hanley
On Monday (March 23), my host mom had planned a little tour of Kamakura for me and my rotary friends. My host mom's friend works at the tourist information center down in Kamakura and gave us a little tour. Her daughter and two of her daughter's friends also came. Camille, the girl from France, came too. We went to this zen garden and did a tea-ceremony. Then we went to a bamboo forest. It was so beautiful! We had Udon for lunch and then went to small, out-of-the-way temple to sit and chat. It was lots of fun. We even got to buy Murasaki-imo (purple sweet potatoe) ice cream! I love that stuff!
Zen Garden
Bamboo Forest
The next day I watched the WBC Championship game. Japan beat Korea! Yeah! Japan is number one!! And the last pitcher was so kakko ii. haha.
I also took a few days easy because I was a little sick. I wanted to get better before my rotary trip, which I did. My host mom has started giving me Japanese lessons, too! I love them. My host mom is so nice and she really does so much for me. I just hope she realizes how grateful I am. We have been reviewing the Kanji I used to know (how did I forget it all so fast?!) and have worked a little on grammer. She gives me little tests each day, so I have insentive to study. I have no problem studying for school back in America because I have always had a test or goal or some kind to work toward. Something definite. And once the test is over, you are done. Studying Japanese on your own every single day is so difficult! There is no end. No matter how much I study I still feel like I can never know enough. That makes it really hard to keep motivated and not just get frustrated with myself. So I am really happy to have these little lessons and tests. I hope we keep doing them once I get back to school.
And now for the big news that makes me so happy to think about. AnnaMarie, Tyler, and Katie are moving to St. Paul! AND AnnaMarie is pregnant again! :D I am so excited about this. It means that next year they will still live close enough to visit every once in a while. PLUS, Michael and Caroline will be living there, so we can all see each other! Now if only Marianne and Seth moved there... haha.
Abbey is the best!
It's true, you'll never know enough Japanese. Even if you live there for years. Or if you study it in college and then forget it for 5 years.
Maybe we will ;) If Seth becomes an Agent and they assign him to St. Paul! Hey, who knows right?
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