That means they did a few extra things to make it more fun or something. First of all, they had some kendo people come and do a demonstration.

Then they had a band. It was made up of a few of the rotarians and one rotarian's brother on lead guitar. It turns out that he is a famous Japanese idol. Or was in the 80's at least. He was lead guitarist for the band "Hound Dog." It has a wikipedia site, but it's in Japanese. :) My host dad was pretty excited when he found out who it was... he was really really famous for that generation. My host dad went over and shook his hand later in the evening. haha. I didn't actually meet the guitar player, but he was really good at guitar! It was very cool.
A rotarian and his younger brother (the rock star).

After we had this amazing performance by this super-star guitar player, it was my turn! haha. I'm not kidding...
They had a karaoke machine and a few people from the different clubs were selected to sing. And guess what?! They picked my host dad and I... to sing Dancing Queen... in front of 120 rotarians. bahahahah!
I had a good time with it, actually. It was fun. I'm not saying I sounded good. Far from it really, but I had fun. Here's the video. :) I'm so glad other people in this world are more talented than me when it comes to singing...
Well, I was going to put up the video, but it was too big. It was 132 mb and the limit is 100. And I don't have any software to edit it on this computer. Sorry guys. I'll get it up on Michael's site eventually.
Hashimoto-san and me. She was nice enough to take that video for me.

Oh, how fun. I can't wait to see that video! Which one is the rock star? Haha.
Abbey is the best!
Thanks guys! And I appreciate your opinion Michael. Even if it isn't true. ;)
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