Mochi is like sticky rice balls. To make it, you take the cooked rice and squish it and beat it with big wooden hammers. They add water a little at a time so the rice doesn`t stick to the bowl and hammer.
When you hit the rice you have to yell "Yosho!" I had a good time with that. When Iliana and I had both had our turn her 3rd host father was like, Abbey did it better than you. haha. She did a good job too...
Them we rolled the rice into little balls and ate it! Mine had anko (sweet bean paste) on it. It was yummy!
After that we left for Asakusa to do Christmas shopping. Asakusa is a place in Tokyo with a big temple. It is a popular place for tourists so there are lots of little shops. I am happy to say that I was very successful with my shopping. ;)
How fun! Well yeah, you must have been better at've got about 2 more feet of leverage than she does!
Abbey is the best!
And temple is spelled temple.
Even if you're in Japan.
It sounds like a quite gross food.
Well it's not, Kurt. It's delicious!
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