On December 17th I went to Iliana's house for her host family's Christmas party. It was so much fun! Definitely my favorite of the 4 I had. :D For dinner we had everything from pizza, salad, and rolls, to chicken, sushi, and wraps. Oh, and of course we had Christmas Cake. It was pretty good. I got to meet her host family for the first time, and they are awesome! I am so excited to spend 3 days there for New Years! Seriously, I can't wait. We just ate dinner and visited. There was her family (including a cousin and his girlfriend), her rotary counselor who is best friends with her host mom, and the host family's English tutor and his father. Yes, they have a tutor for the whole family that comes over once a week. For some reason, the english tutor thought it would be fun for us all to sing our national anthems. Ruan (Brazilian) also was invited to the party because Iliana's host family had lived in Brazil like 30 years ago. All the Japanese people sang together, and then Iliana, Ruan, and myself got to sing our's solo. The Star-spangled Banner is the hardest national anthem, and I am not a very good singer. And to make it better, they decided to record the whole thing! Oh, well. At least I didn't forget the words like I sometimes do. I got home at 10:10 (whoops, past curfew) and then put my package to send home the next day together. I finally got to bed at 1am. And then I got up at 5:30 for school. I was a little out of it the next day.
Party #2: December 19th. This was my school party. Everyone brought in a snack to share with the class. I brought home-made chocolate chip cookies. Everyone loved them! We all just talked and ate way too much junk food. It was fun.

The 23rd was my Rotary Club's Family Christmas dinner party. My club invited Iliana, too. :D Honestly, between her club and my club, both of which know we are best friends, I don't think either of us will have another free weekend. But that's beside the point. The dinner party was fun! There was a band and singers playing jazz-type Christmas music. I felt like I was at a dinner party in an old movie or something. Then, they had magicians! It was so cool! They did a couple tricks for everyone and then they went around to each table individually. I got to be the volunteered assistant at our table. I don't know how he did it, but he put two foam balls in my hand, had me close my hand tight and shake it. He didn't touch my hand or anything. And I didn't feel anything in my hand. I open it, and there were 4! It was amazing! haha
This was the first time any of the Rotarian's families were at a meeting, so they all came over to my table and introduced their wives and kids. It was nice. I got to meet my second host family, too. It will be a lot different at their house I think, but I am excited to see what it's like. One Rotarian introduced his son to Iliana and I, and then asked me to stand up. I was a little confused until I stood up. He wanted to know who was taller. See, guys? There are some tall boys in Japan. It was exciting so I asked him if I could take my picture with him. haha!

At that party I also had, I mean got, to give a 5 minute speech to all my rotary club members and their families. I did a pretty good job. And my speech was written in all Japanese. No romaji! I was so proud of myself. Oh, and right before the meeting, I went shopping with my host mom for my Christmas present. My host family got me a new purse! I love it!

Me with my new purse and my new haircut! Buy you probably can't tell the difference. Just a little layering.

My last party was at my friend Risako's house. She is in my class at school. It didn't really turn out to be a very Christmasy party, but it was fun! We had pizza for lunch, played wii for a few hours, and then had Christmas Cake.
Abbey is the best!
Thanks Michael! I always laugh when I read that. :D
You're super cute!
Oooohhh, Abbey! So chic! Aren't you so glad we got that jacket? You are smokin'.
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