Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gray Envelope...

So, last Monday (I know that was a while ago) I was in the locker room after school getting ready for track like usual when one of the girls coming in was like, "Hey, Abbey, your Dad's out in the hall looking for you." I go out to see what he wants and he looks at me, says "gray envelope", and walks away... There is only one thing that I could possibly be getting in the mail that is so important that he would do that to me. My host family and city assignment!

Through the next hour and a half of track practice that seemed to drag on forever, the only thing on my mind was "oh my gosh! I get to find out my host family! I get to find out my city and school for next year! Yay!" I was getting so excited! The minute I got done with practice, I rushed home where we had to get the whole family together before I could open my envelope. We even called AnnaMarie up and put her on speaker phone so she could hear. Finally I could open it!

I open it up and see something about Congrats on your exchange... blah blah blah... I'm your travel agent... blah blah. Then, the most exciting thing in the whole envelope.... Visa applications! I was so disappointed. I almost cried. This whole thing is sort of funny in retrospect, but at the time it was really sad. It really wouldn't have been very disappointing if I hadn't been getting all excited over the last 2 hours.

In Dad's defense, he really did think it was my host family assignment. But it didn't make the whole thing any better. So, now it is back to waiting. Hopefully I will actually have some exciting news to share in a few weeks. :)